Friday, January 27, 2012

That's What I'm Talkin' About!

I'm rather excited today, because after over four years of battling with David about a certain medicine that I wanted him to try and to which he was EXTREMELY resistant, he has agreed to at least try. I won't lie, this has caused more than one battle between the two of us. Every doctor has recommended this medication and it has the highest proven results in those suffering from bipolar disorder. The drug is lithium. It has been FDA approved since 1974 and in the past 30+ years much has been learned about the proper dosages including the creation of an extended release tablet.

David's hesitation has always stemmed from his fear of the effects lithium can have on the body, particularly if you are not careful about your sodium and water intake. Of late I have been reading some fantastic books (Beyond Blue and An Unquiet Mind) which recount two individuals' personal struggles with bipolar and how they've overcome their most difficult times. While reading, particularly An Unquiet Mind, I found myself in shock that there was someone whose experiences mirrored David's so closely. It was like they were "bipolar twins" and I could have been reading about my husband's struggles instead. The authors in both books found that lithium was their "miracle drug" and allowed for a more normal life than was ever thought possible.

Hence my reason for pushing David once again on this issue. However, this time I came armed with research. I found case studies and lists of side effects and effective rate percentages, etc. I also read him passages from the books. To my complete and utter shock, he agreed to try it out. If I knew how, I would have been doing cartwheels down the hallway!! I was beyond ecstatic. We went to his psychiatrist (he happened to have an appointment scheduled that day) and told him our decision. Dr. S was as excited as I was and started treatment right away.

We will be monitoring David and any possible reactions closely and the dosage that was started is low, but as long as his tolerance for the drug is positive, then other meds will be reduced / eliminated while the lithium dosage increases. Yesterday, he woke up very hot and sweating, but he started drinking water and the doctor reduced a different medication and he began to feel better. He even had a burst of energy and started a clean-out of our storage items in the basement.

I am extremely hopeful, but not naive. Lithium may be the answer we have been waiting for, but I'm prepared in case it doesn't perform as we hope. We're taking it a day at time. Though all thoughts, good wishes, and prayers are certainly appreciated. My current mantra is "Please God, let this work!".

Pray, Hope & Don't Worry ~ St. Padre Pio


  1. I attribute my energy burst to my new diet and the first day on lithium.

    My hope is that this will alleviate the highs and lows, that while the regimen I was on alleviated those symptoms, I am hoping for a more balanced state of "normal."

    While I hate the term "normal," I like it better in than what I used to think I was shooting for. I always confused being bipolar with normal in that I thought I was not supposed to feel any ups and downs and be flat. I have come to realize that the medicines are not making me flat, I just need to be more sensitive to the highs and lows I do experience and enjoy the little highs like I used to enjoy the manic highs, while not taking the little lows as a huge depression.

  2. It's exciting to hear about both of your journeys and I pray that God's hands direct you both as you take risks and determine what works. I believe He is leading you down a path of full recovery and that as you trust in Him more, you'll come to know new pockets of healing and restoration. Good to hear that today is a good day! God bless you both :)
